Featured on MadaLiving – I Am An Island Girl: My Diaspora Tantara

My Malagasy Diaspora Tantara: Diaspora Stories Told Around the World

Today, an estimated 300,000 Malagasy people live outside of Madagascar and live all around the globe. No diaspora story is alike but what we share is that love and connection to Madagascar that we carry in our hearts, new hometowns, and life. Here are our stories.

Today: Our Diaspora Tantara is dedicated in loving memory to our contributor Nirina’s Mam, Hanitra Plunkett née Rasamoely (1957-2012). Nirina is Malagasy-Irish and gives a beautiful account of how important her Irish and Malagasy heritages are to her as well as how she maneuvers being mixed raced, dealing with the “Where are you really from?” question, and sharing her love for Madagascar in Ireland.

Read the full article on MadaLiving now!

Nirina xx

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Images © Nirina Plunkett